Wednesday, June 06, 2012


I've referred to it as many things, but essentially the zone is being in a place where I have great energy, am focused, prepared and organized, and have a clear idea or plan on how to efficiently accomplish my todos of the day.

When I'm in the zone, I have high daily drill averages. when I'm not, they suffer.

here's the recipe for being in the zone:

  1. High-heart rate work out, 1 hydroxy + protein powder. [start with weights, then cardio]
  2. Some light meditation and breathing and/or heart exercises to eliminate emotional distractions
  3. Adderoll + multivitamin + fish pills
  4. Clear plan of action
  5. Clean/ organized work area to eliminate visual / audio distractions.
what to watch out for:
 - health: colds and diverticulitis flair ups can screw up 3-4 days; not going to gym for longer than 3 days creates issues and drops in percentages. 
 - emotional distractions: creates risks to quality of work and follow-through.

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