Friday, August 10, 2012

Another Optimizing Step for the MVVM

The process of developing MVVMs has become easier and more efficient. It has been a huge undertaking to fulfill the high-level goals I stated back in April, and in some ways I am far behind where I thought I would be, in terms of finding a job, losing weight, and having the house fully-organized from the move.

In many other ways, however, I am far better off than I could ever imagine and am feeling very positive about hitting my goals. The "getting started" phase has involved stumbling across many beliefs and patterns that have been obstacles.

A couple of examples:

  1. I take things personally as an Feeler, so my emphasis on planning seems "too much" to "Thinker's, who can naturally think things thru without much effort. They don't need to work at it as hard, so there's no need for the emphasis. Given that I am a Feeler, I can be [read: need to be] "curious" about whr ppl are coming from, vs launching into what I think/feel, first. More productive EMO, PRO, REL that way - especially w other feelers. So, I plan to read up more on how "Ts" operate to compensate.
  2. Another implication of my Feeler-ness, is not being objective enough to understand and act upon patterns. I process it all in a why-me/poor-me mode, which weeds out very important details. I stall in this place, going in circles with questions that aren't critical to the solution, but that nurse my feelings. So, I've been looking at 'effective decision-making' and 'problem-solving with limited information' topics to help me develop a workable protocol to follow. I'll never lose the why-me/ poor-me posture, but I can, again, compensate with more practical methods. 
  3. The undiagnosed ADHD, combined with the above, has made my life a big mess of inefficiencies and disorganization. The sheer volume of things that need organizing - and therefore education about how best to organize them -  is pretty overwhelming. It took a while, for example to figure out what my priorities should be. Then, I adjusted the categories, and revisited those priorities. It wasn't until very recently, that my formerly deprioritized "EMO" rose to the #1 spot, because I saw my fears and resentments and other biases as my primary obstacle in creating and sustaining relationships, which will benefit everything, because I am often distracted by my feelings. 
  4. There's a free, project-planning and management tool that I plan to use, which will allow me to easily stay organized as things shift around. This previously impossible level of organization will give me the tools to set better expectations with my wife [and myself, of course]. That will have major implications, in a very positive way. 
  5. I realized that my views on project-planning were way too rigid, given how many surprises I get dealt on a weekly basis. Reading about Complex Adaptive Systems [which is actually quite simple] helped me to prevent the need to constantly fail, restructure, and restart. Now, it's all about embracing a small set of rules [which may have vast implications and plenty of steps to them], which will allow me to continually perform. I now look at each component as an "engine" of continually repeatable steps, versus a laundry list of steps and goals. The adjustable project planning software will an important part of reinforcing this new approach, also. 
  6. The move to the new house killed a lot of momentum, but selling/buying takes a lot of time in anyone's book and it wasn't really part of my thinking in the beginning. In many ways, SHELTER, is where it should be, because of the move, but I'll still add some important tasks to that category, so we'll feel really 'at home.'

The end result is realizing that I am about 40% prepared to START the planning process, which will be quite simple - mostly involving scheduling and realistic benchmark-setting, against the 5/13 goals. 

Given that much of my "getting started" has involved actually making some progress in the categories, I think the launch of the new me will most likely be very easy - simply following a well-informed set of values within a very nimble routine. 

Four months in, here's a quick update on the plan [average pacing is 3.13]:

Category Goal Status PACING: 1-5 = great!
Emotional even-keeled; helpful; strong connection to my heart Reading about Emotional Intelligence will probably give me most of I need to reach this goal 4
Intellectual min goal: 10 books; reach goal: 24 I've read five books so far and will read 3 or 4 more by the end of August. Reading this much has changed me on so many levels! 5
Relationships kids, friends, family, colleague relationships are strong EQ will be helpful, so will our couple's counseling  3
Profession strong, secure, upward trajectory established. Mentor team lined up. It's all about Guerilla Job hunting [book] for now. I'm also planning a content site that can position me over the longer term. Other plans will need to be researched and developed. I NEVER WANT TO BE WITHOUT AN INCOME AGAIN. 2
Health fit + well-muscled, high energy, rarely sick The move tripped me up  - but helped me realize I need to be more flexible.  2
Shelter house, property, and cars in good shape. This is totally lagging - because a) it's a lower priority and b) we have very little money. When the money comes in, however, things will change for the [even] better 3
Finances no-waste budgeting, initial investment strategy concepts; at least $10k I'm watching our finances much more closely. There's still money to be saved, I have no income yet, and no idea about investments, but at least we're not bleeding faster than planned. We're actually slightly ahead of plan. 3
Spiritual Routine established with friends/ family This is a low-impact daily prayer and mediation for now.  3

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